June 30, 2023

Secret Invasion 2: Promises | Marvel

Secret Invasion 2: Promises | Marvel
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A Bite Of: Movies & TV

Derek and Noah take A Bite Of Secret Invasion Episode 2: Promises. The guys chat about Talos inviting a million Skrulls to the party, Sonya’s interrogation skills,  Gravik’s international connections, Rhodey’s role in the fight against the invasion, and the reveal of Mrs. Fury!?

Check out our 'Secret Invasion' primer episode: Before You Watch Secret Invasion

Nick Fury Refresher: Nick Fury's MCU Journey: From the Avengers Initiative to Secret Invasion

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Hey, I'm Derek And I'm Noah. You're listening to A Bite of.


Of Where we take our current favorite pop culture obsession and enjoy it one nibble at a time. Second nibble into secret and vague, just a secret little snack and a nibble of the snack Invasion.


It's not a snack, it's a meal.


It's an appetizer. The first two episodes are the appetizer, the second two are the main course. The last two are the dessert.


I would not put the end of a series as a dessert. It's one of its bad.


Ew, then I don't like this dessert. It's terrible. This is sour. I don't want sour, i want to eat.


All right, second episode into secret evasion. Quite a few things to talk about. Lots of lies, lots of revelations and lots of exposition.


Yes, there were so many conversations in this episode, so many Before we get into everything.


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Nice teamwork High five. Last but not least, we have a patreon. We just released our first inaugural episode of Before the MCU with Howard the Duck, and it was quite a journey.


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Yeah, wow, they do it Free trial. So many options, yeah, so many. Shall we take a look back? Yeah, all right. So let's take a look back at Secret Invasion, episode One, resurrection. Touching down in a field in Russia, nick Fury reunites with Maria Hill and Talos as they begin to uncover a terrorist plot by a group of scrolls. Fury is also reunited with British intelligence agent Sonia Fallsworth, who says he is different. After he returned from the blip, Talos discover his daughter, Gaia, is working with the rebel leader Gravik. Gravik's group sets off bombs in a Moscow square where he shoots Maria Hill.




Yauzers Did you mean to? Yeah, he did, he totally did, he was waiting for the moment.


All right, from here on out spoilers. We're going to talk about nothing but Secret Invasion and everything that happens in Episode Two. So if you do not want to know the secrets of Secret Invasion because you don't like secrets go watch it and come back.


Yeah. So let us officially take a bite of Secret Invasion Episode Two Promises.


All right, what are your? How do you feel about this?


episode. Look, I said in the last episode that I get confused and lost very easily when it comes to spy stuff. Oh, come on, Especially when there's so much talking. There was a lot of talking in this one. Yeah, I did think it was a little more direct and actionable than the last one, but overall I'm still waiting to see where things are going to go. I was looking at the Disney Plus description of the episode and it just says something along the lines of Fury deals with his present and past. Yeah, So it feels like Like a person Or he struggles with his present, whatever it is, but it's kind of like do they even know what's going on? I don't know. Everybody seems a little confused still.


That's exactly what a person does They have a past and they're dealing with their present.


Exactly, that could be the description for any episode of almost anything.




She deals with her past and present Exactly. Will and Grace deal with their past and present.


Because their past got them to the present, exactly Right. Yeah, i mean, i agree, i think this episode overall was better than the first one. I liked the first one, but this one felt just more well-rounded. We got some really intense scenes and it explained a lot of stuff or kind of gave us things that maybe we didn't know we needed the answers to. But as it being the second episode, it kind of lays the work for more answers to come. And you're right, it's like exposition and no payoff yet which. I guess is fine for a second episode. But at the end of this episode we can get into what we feel like this series needs to do going forward, or where it possibly could go for it to be a good show for us.


Yeah, yeah, i agree, and I, you know, looking at this episode, and, like I said, the last episode ended with, presumably, the death of Maria Hill, which is dead, you know but in like, where this character, who has been in all of these movies, was just shot and then that's sort of it, yeah.


Stakes Like what I mean. So I guess, so we don't forget to talk about it. Right, There is a scene where Nick Fury confronts Maria Hill's mother, not confronts her.


They fight.


Yeah, they fight at her funeral, as they should. Yeah, she's getting the casket that has the American flag draped over it And of course they won't tell her anything because she's a secret spy agent.


Shealed Yeah.


So they kind of confront each other. The scene was a little it was fine, but I feel like the reason for this scene was to be like she's dead, like they would not go these lengths to them, bring her back, like it's just. It seems kind of like a waste to do that.


Yeah, If that's the purpose of the scene, okay. But I did think this scene sort of stuck out for not great reasons in the sense that it was like have we ever met her mother before? No, No, I don't know, I'm not sure yes, but still got no answers. It kind of was just, I don't know. It was just maybe another illustration of Fury just having these really crappy relationships all over the world.


Well, to be fair, he doesn't need to have a relationship with the mother, but I think the point of it was literally just be like oh, you have to confront, like your choice is Fury, and putting her in this situation. This is what it's leaving. It was a scene that I think to tell us like she's definitely dead. they did it Right. It's like that's what the scene was for. It was fine.


Everyone is Fury-yus with him. That's the truth. Also, a great pun Yeah, it really was, it's a great pun, everybody was like I didn't think of that.


Never, nobody's thought to make a pun out of Fury's name at all.


First one ever Time stamp it.


It was fine. It's a fine scene. It was what it is. I also didn't know it was her mom until, like the scene was almost over. I was like why are they showing this lady Who's in the casket? I literally forgot Maria Hill died. And I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


Look, she was never like a major player, right, she was there When she showed up. We were always like great Maria Hill is here, but for you to forget that she died, i mean, that's not doing any service to the character, i feel.


Don't make it seem like she's forgettable. Don't put those words in my mouth. That's not what I'm saying.


I'm saying the show did a piss poor job of making us sad that Maria Hill died.


Yeah, it's kind of funny that the emotional like oh, they're telling you that she's dead happened in the second episode after the fact. It's interesting, but the beginning of this episode of promises starts in 1997, which is two years after the events of Captain Marvel. So we got another De aged Samuel Jackson slash Nick Fury. And I really like it when they get the De aged down because it looks real and it's kind of terrifying.


but it looks Yeah, he, he and Talos look, fly Yeah they look great. Talos was really that , was he a little bit? Yeah, they smoothed it out.


They did the face tune Yeah they did a little pinch.


You know what I mean. They did a little little brush with the fingertip, a little less gray in the hair Yeah they also put him in the dark. They knew what they were doing. He was in the darkest side of the room.


They do age drastically different than us, so that's why I was like I still kind of looks a little older.


It's fine, it is sort of funny though, that the Skrulls like half the age you know they can. It's like well, i guess if I'm living here for a while, i got to look at the other side of the room.


I look a little different. Yeah, right, Yeah they could just move and still be young again. That's true, they can really just change it, right. So this scene, really it tells us what this episode, the title means, right, we get introduced to Younger Gravik. Vera is a Skrull that brings him in. He lost his parents from the last stand with this Skrull and Kree war. And you know, i this. I liked this scene because I think we've heard it right. Like he made these promises. We've known these promises. He's going to do this thing for them. But for him to, for them to show us and saying it to these refugees, these groups of people have nothing left And it's like look, we will help you, but you got to help us And on top of that, you have to look like us to help us And you have to stay in that skin And you know, we'll find a home. Me and Carol Danvers, we'll find you a home. Did not happen And I don't blame Gravik for being kind of pissed off about that.


I think it's a shitty ultimatum ultimately, because they don't really have a choice. Yeah Right, for two years they went to go look for a new home. They're really hopeful. Everywhere they went they were met with war and violence And so they ended up back on earth. But it is sort of shitty of fury to be like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, you could stay here, but you have to like sort of work as a soldier and protect the planet and also look like us. What else are they supposed to do?


I mean having a secret army, and doing that has 100% worked out in the history of history. It's always paid off, it's always a great idea 100%.


I also, but I do have to say that I think that where we are with Gravik now in present day, he like really took that promise to heart apparently.


Yeah, it's interesting, right. So the Skrulls mature faster. We're like they could look younger, but since how they age, right, they obviously are. Let's say they're 40, but they still look like Gravik's. So there's a maturity thing that happens. And the interesting thing about knowing that is that Gaia and Gravik's how they kind of look at each other and stuff, so they kind of know the situation. It's not like their mind was so young to where they muddy it when they get older and like this could have happened. Oh, i've gotten over it. It's like fresh for them, right. So you have to think about, like, how they kind of remember things or how long ago events were. This dude did hold out longer than I would expect somebody to hold out for, but I don't blame him for being upset.


I think the thing with Gravicks in this scene of him as a kid or however old he is, probably what a young teenager we can see that he holds anger close to him. He's not going to let people in willingly Lost everybody, lost everybody. Even when he speaks of his parents, he says that they died like a dazzling death or something like that. So he takes these things to heart, he holds it close to his chest, and so I think that this resentment that he holds against the situation he's in and then you know Fury, who sort of represents it in a way that's been boiling inside him and is finally bubbled over and he wants to act on someone breaking their promise.


Yeah, i want to know in this conversation that Talos and Fury have with this group of people or group of scrolls, he talks about how, like you know, there's a serious threat facing earth And I like what threat was happening in 1997.


And I'm curious about that aspect Y2K was coming hot down the trail. That's a good three years.


You know what? That's probably it. The computers are going to go against us, or he's probably just like look, you guys exist, something else exists. We need help, we need to know.


And so maybe that's also part of it. Right, There is quite a span of time that we're not aware of, where maybe they did help defend the earth. Oh well, they 100% know right. They didn't get what was promised to them.


Yeah, This episode does have an interesting kind of bomb that's thrown into just how the MCU is and what's there and everything, And the scene with Talos and Nick Fury on the train, which I thought was a good scene. I liked the two scenes where Nick Fury was with the singular character and they're talking. So we have the roadie scene and the Talos scene And I liked how they mirrored each other And this one in particular, Talos. So Nick Fury plays the like tell me something, I didn't know game that he used to play with his mom in the segregated train. Talos decides to just be like oh yeah, I like sent a signal out to space and like a million scrolls are here now, but like it's fine, We were like 5,000 maybe at the beginning.


Now, It's a Facebook friend of a Facebook friend of a Facebook friend.


And they all came. The emperor scroll, all of the ones that didn't stay with him are now here. And it's fine, fury, i like, i can't like. A million might not sound that bad. That's a nation's worth of people.


That's a nice sized army. That's who you know may have procreated and created more little soldiers.


But it begs the question of like where are they?


They're everywhere.


Well, right. This whole planet does, How does, how does Talos know that there's a million of them? It's, it's crazy Like that. That to me was like oh, that's not okay.


That's a lot, and we really see Nick's fury in this scene. You love it. You love it. I can tell about your facial expression. You really enjoy my jokes. Oh God, he got a soundboard. I personally think I should be in charge of the soundboard, but I guess not. Can I get my own little pad?


of sounds. I'm going to look into that. Only you would be able to hear it though.


Only you could prevent forest fires.


But so the million scrolls? it's a problem right, especially with what they're trying to do in the show is take over the planet. We don't know how many are on graphics's side, How many are just in normal people's like, like they just live in their life. I also want to know in the scene where they all pledge their allegiance to fury and his cause and they shape shifted into people like those are people that exist Agreed?


Yeah, i want to know about that too.


So like I guess they're just dopplegang, like hopefully you never run into your other, the person that you're stealing the face from.


Yeah, i don't know. Maybe the rule is you start in one country, you steal the person's face and then you have to move to another country.


Probably. I mean that would be smart, right, it's like go to another country where this person would definitely never be. That would be the smart thing, yeah, but a million of them. No social media for you guys.


I also. Well, yeah, how do you get a job? I don't know. I just like, who gave fury the decision making power to? just I don't know? welcome aliens. It's like welcome scrolls onto our planet, But like it all goes through fury? Yeah, he's the head honcho guy. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like he has a little bit too much power.


Well he doesn't now, so like shield is gone. So I would say he's more of like a weird government contractor type situation. I don't know if I would trust a government contractor to like head the development of the space defense system. It's very it's unclear exactly what fury is at this moment. I don't know if they just like let him do things still because he's fury.


He's just like the like grandpa that comes down, he's rude. We got scrolls and they're like okay, grandpa.


He's so rude.


Well look, the thing is that people are no longer trusting him. He's made an enemy of Gravic because he didn't come through on his promise. He ends up throwing talus off the train. There's another one of those allies. I feel like that's fair, killed Maria Hill. He did not His face, did You know. And then we see in the scene with Rody there's another allegiance that's broken. He's basically just sort of this guy that everybody's like you're being ridiculous.


Well, i think that's the point right. They have to do that in the show. They have to separate him and isolate him, because that's going to raise the like thriller suspense He has nobody left to trust type of thing which then us leaves nobody to trust. Like how is he? who's he going to call?


Ghostbusters Yeah, yeah, see, yeah, so he saw he's. It's basically Mission Impossible one with Tom Cruise where, like his team, disappears and doesn't know who he can trust This is a taunt spy thriller with aliens. Yes, Sci-fi, sci-fi thriller. Yeah, sci-fi thriller.


The. In the conversation that Talos and Nick Fury have, he says something interesting to Talos when he finds out that there's a million of them And he tells him he's like oh no, humans have been fighting with each other since they could walk. We can't have another species here. Like there's no way. I find that weird to say because did they not just welcome a bunch of Asgardians into New Asgard, like they're living here? There are different species. It's specious, that's it's. And also is this like planting the seeds for the mutants to come because they are a different species? I don't know.


So Nick Fury ends up hanging out with Magneto.


How I don't know. Yeah, Connect those dots. There are no dots. I want to see you connect those dots. There are no dots. But I find it interesting that it's like did you guys forget about all of these? And it's not even like. The Asgardians have shown that they can't be trusted. No-transcript. Literally invaded Earth with the Shatari.


I don't like Apparently, that's not Nick Fury's jurisdiction. Well, he should have jurisdiction everywhere. That's what I'm saying. I don't understand. What is his power? Is he making all of these decisions? And if so, why is he picking and choosing certain groups that can just start new societies and other ones that have to be his army?


Well, it is interesting, right, Like he's building a space station that's supposed to know about these things. So it's like, okay, from Captain Marvel to now, a million scrolls showed up at some point. When Was it during?


the blip? Possibly, so does that mean that there's like a million other scrolls somewhere else, the other half that got blipped, that are now gonna come and also enjoy their time on Earth?


There's only two million left, and half of them are here.


Maybe they should just live on a ship. That's not Build a giant space station. Saber, he's already building it. Yeah, that's what I mean because everybody else is throwing them away and telling them they can't be there and meeting them with violence. I think they just should just live on a spaceship.


Well, you know who might need to live on a spaceship from now on? Nick Fury, because Rhodey fired him from-.


Yeah, Here's another ally, like so Talos and him. On the train. They scream at each other and he makes Talos get off. And then Rhodey doesn't want anything to do with him either.


Yeah, the scene with. You know, he's kind of acting like early Rhodey, like where he was fully, like still fully in the military and everything. And you know, even when he was like Savakia's, like I'm gonna get in the suit and carpet bomb them if they look at me weird. It's very like it's very military mode. Now It's not prior to Rhodey getting hurt in an Iron Man anymore.


The personal growth has since gone out the window, i think ever since.


It is gonna be interesting to see how the heroes that were here before the snap and Thanos and everything how they're going to process a lot of things. It looks like Rhodey is just throwing himself into the work Like he's fully. I'm gonna be the representative for the United States when he cannot make it.


Yeah, he is just completely into his new role. But it's, you know, here we see one of our you mean so far our one hero. you know, avenger here, not really being an Avenger, yeah, he's full he yeah, i wanna know.


I guess we won't know until Armor Wars, right, the show that was supposed to be a show and now it's gonna be a movie. This is supposed to tie into it. So I'm curious to see his growth into that next thing where he's gonna be the titular character for that. This scene with him talking to this mini UN of accusing the United States of being the people that actually did it, which we know it's not. But we know scrolls are there, posing as them I. The scene with Nick Fury and Rhodey I was gonna call him Don Cheadle with Rhodey, truly who he is. Yeah, he is. I like this scene and the aspect of like Nick Fury is assuming he still has that ally, the Avenger, But Rhodey's like, oh no, I volunteered for the opportunity to come and tell you like you're done and like you need to stop. like you were there.


Better, better. A friend is delivering this news than a stranger, is it? That's what he feels like? That's what Rhodey thinks, at least He's like. No, no, i thought I should come and do this.


Nick Fury even tries to like, appeal to like, both of them being black men, and he's like no, like, even more so like no, we're not the same. I'm not gonna help you.


It's really bizarre seeing that they obviously have a history together and Rhodey just being like, well, you were there, so we have to get rid of you Like he's not sticking up for him in any way. He's not trying to figure out what's really going on, he's just trying to get rid of him.


Yeah, and I want to. You know, i know I can't really think of a scene where they've really been together on screen before. Obviously, they have a more intimate setting here, and I believe Rhodey hung up the phone during, like whenever the Sokovia chords were happening, everything. At first he was gonna be on one side and then he like came to and was not. So I'm curious where this like kind of off-puttiness is to like that whole Avengers thing.


I mean, is there a piece of it that it could possibly be he's doing it to protect.


Fury. That is a good point. But he said something where I think, when Nick Fury was telling him about the scrolls, it seemed like Rhodey was kind of like yeah, i know. So it's like wait, what? So are you? are you guys just not gonna do anything? So I don't know the conversation right, we talked in the first one and this whole thing is gonna spark like who is a scroll? I don't know if, after this, i don't believe he's a scroll or do believe he's a scroll. It's hard to tell. Like it's like oh, that is Rhodey, but also he was. He could be acting to protect Nick Fury. I don't know, there was too many bodyguards around him. I feel like one of them is definitely a scroll. I don't know if it's Don Cheadle.


The whole scene itself was just incredibly cold, especially between two characters that we believe have some history together. So there is some other layer happening right, something else is definitely going on, but I think that in this instance, in this moment, we don't know what it is. It's just, at face value, fury losing another ally.


Yeah, that's true. I did like the line that Nick Fury delivered when he was leaving and because Rhodey was like you're out and he goes right up to him and he's like when I'm out, i'm in. I'm like, yeah, that's pretty cool Bitch. Yeah, motherfucker, Yeah, that's what it needed.


Say it in my face.


That's what it felt like I also didn't like that Secret Service or whatever bodyguard going up to Nick Fury to escort him out. Oh yeah, And then he like crack his arm, or whatever he did to his arm Deserved it. You just don't tell Samuel L Jackson, slash Nick Fury. Also, where are you?


escorting him out of the empty bar. No one's around Calm down.


He's done, he fired him.


Get him out, yeah, i mean you're not at the office, They don't need you to clear your desk. You're in a random bar. Chill out everyone.


I'm excited to see Or, i guess, hesitant to see where else Rhodey will show up in the series, if he's going to play more of the secretly trying to protect Fury role or more of an antagonist or self-interest thing, kind of like what Fallsworth is doing.


Well, we know the president is going to have to show up at some point again And Rhodey seems to be his right hand person, so Rhodey's going to be in it. But again, and like we've been saying, it feels like very much the point of this series is who can you trust?


Yeah, I feel like they're falsely leading us in directions specifically with conversations like this, having Talos and Nick Fury kind of separate a little bit. So is he going to them be replaced by another scroll, and it's like a scroll playing, a scroll of Talos in human form, who knows? But, these are the types of situations that could happen, and that's what's terrifying about the scrolls. Right, it's like it could be Rhodey this whole time, but then on his way back to the United States, he could get replaced by a scroll, and we wouldn't know until the reveal. So that's I know, what I'm enjoying about this series, but I don't like it when they play games with us.


Yeah, we're just little toys, we're pawns. You know there could be a shot right of all of those mind flayer things that they have in Moscow and us seeing who actually is stuck in that.


So we will know. That's what I'm waiting for. I feel like that's going to be the type of scene that we see for this, like earth shattering. They've been a scroll or they're a scroll now.


You know, i think that's going to be like oh my god, it's Maria, oh my god, it's Rhodey, oh my god, it's whoever. We're going to be so surprised.


I think the whole conversation of like who could be a scroll before the super scroll stuff is being done now, right, it's in this episode. We're really seeing that they're advancing that type of advancement for their army and their cause. So if we were to say, oh, this person's been a scroll Prior to this, for it to be like earth shattering or whatever, because that's what apparently we were promised, i think it narrows it down to people that don't have powers, because who the scrolls can't mimic the powers, so it would have to be somebody that doesn't, and that kind of wipes a lot of people off the board, because most of the people that don't have powers are kind of dead, sure.


But it's pretty much the entire cast of this show. So Gaia scroll, We know Well that one. We got Win, Yeah, But so check one for that. But I mean everybody else is pretty much fair game.


What did you think about the scene with Sonia Fallsworth and her interrogation tactics with? I believe that scroll's name was Brogan Could be wrong Brogan, but I'm pretty sure it was Brogan, the guy that was the American.


Yes, i'm going. Why does he keep saying that? What defense is that, especially in Russia? I don't think that's going to help you in any way. You know why.


Why? Because he's telling the Russians that it was America that did it.


Oh, that's why he kept saying it Right, because they're plotting different groups from all over the world.


Okay, got it. That's that spy, espionage stuff. This is I mean that graphic.


He knows what he's doing, but that scene was. I loved how composed she was, as she was, like you know, cutting his finger off.


Oh my God, the swiftness and like nonchalantness and how fast she pruned his finger off. I was like one, you're strong. This isn't her first time, she's pruned many a finger.


Yes, yes, and you know, anytime any spy movie or show ends up at a butcher shop, it's never going to be good.


Those are all the people that they've interrogated before.


Yeah, those ain't pigs, those are humans.


Watch out what you're eating. It was cool to see like, when she pruned his finger off, she's still holding it and it turned back into a scroll finger. Yeah and then she ate it. No, she's like get me a sausage.


She said a little treat. Delicious.


But I like how. That's how she decided that it was a scroll. She's like oh well, that's all now, isn't it? I, olivia Coleman, is killing it as this character. I love how you can't really. It's almost like that um, um bridge status.


Yes, it's um Bridgian.


Yeah, it's like she's terrifying, but I like her character and she's driving the plot in a direction I like It's that proper English woman in a tweed suit who is doing despicable things but with a smile on her face. Yeah, she loves it. Injects him with pretty much like liquid lava.


Oh my God, blood boiling solution.


So now she knows that there is some type of advancement to do super scrolls or experimentation or whatever, or at least a direction. I feel like the series from here on out is really going to be about stopping the scrolls from getting that ability.


But why is no one working together?


Because it's all self-interest and humans suck. That's it, yeah, pretty much. This scene, though, i did like that we got more graphic and we got to actually see him not just press a button and kill like 2000 innocent civilians, but like show that, oh, he's skilled in hand to hand combat.


He lifted a guy up and put him on a meat hook Again those were past people. I did not like that part either. It was very terrible.


It was jarring. This whole scene was jarring because you know, we got so much exposition and there hasn't been. this is really the only action set piece in the entire episode And it was good. I thought the choreography was good, the like very clean, going into a room, taking out the people in there, but then also having it with that like kind of shocking gory factor, it's just great. I love that type of thing because it's just so different from like oh, the political mystery behind the whole thing. It's like, oh, these people can actually like go toe to toe with each other.


And that's part of the thing with graphic, though right Is that we have now seen that he is sort of a master manipulator. He is physically fit and he is also like the lead of this, like scroll counsel that exists, that scene.


Perfect. I loved it. I it's just like I thought it was like a really cool scene, one of the best ones that we've gotten in, like most of the Dizzy Plus shows. I know that might sound weird, but I just loved the like younger guy coming into like this fold and being like oh yeah, i've already infiltrated this whole thing. Just give me the power of this like unchecked and balanced general for the entire scroll army. essentially, it's just not good.


And it's like, and he's dealing with scrolls that are like the prime minister of the UK, the, you know, head of NATO, like these scrolls that have really risen to human power, and he still has the hold on them.


What's interesting is that so this was the council that Talos was a part of. So that was like Were they already those people like in those positions of power, right? So it's like, did they replace the people and now they're scrolls, or were they scrolls and rose to the ranks?


Right. I guess in my mind they were scrolls who rose to the ranks, but I think you're right. They probably just took over people who are in power.


Right, that's the crazy thing about this, and I kind of like that they scrolls arrived 30 years ago, because then it makes sense, at least for Talos aside, to have some of the deniability that like. Oh no, they just they've been scrolls this whole time like they're faking it. But yeah, it's the prime minister.


They've been a scroll this whole time. Yeah, We're already helping to lead this world. Chill out.


Nick, but it has. This really spells disaster for the rest of the thing, because most of them, except for one person which I'm not too sure her role I didn't really say so surprised that he didn't kill her yet.


I mean true, but that was like I thought as soon as she walked out that door it was over for her.


That's what I thought too. I thought she was going to die before she even could get on the phone and warn Talos about whatever's happening, because he took the second that he found out that broken Pretty sure that's his name, if not, whatever, we're going with it. We're going with it Killed him the second you found out. He let any information slip, so it is interesting that he decided not to kill her.


Maybe because she's in a position of power and he still needs her there, even if she doesn't necessarily agree with what they're doing. Get another scroll, make it be her. Yeah, i mean, this shape shifting it really leads so many options open, maybe, okay, okay. So maybe he knew that she would reach out to Talos. And this also leads me to the question of he's keeping Gaia close but far enough away that she never really knows the inner workings of what's going on. True, so it feels like he's using Gaia and Talos as pawns in his plan. He has to be, he knows he needs them.


Yeah, He didn't tell Gaia at all about the super scroll stuff which you would think she seems to be like almost like a right hand.


Right Like a second in command or something, yeah.


And not to tell her that it's not good news, but that's a good point. It feels like I mean we have to assume that, since he was so young when he came here, it seems like Nick Fury and him were close in some way, so maybe they bumped far heads, maybe he trained him in some type of like espionage type stuff so he can play the chess game. He can play the game, and that's not great.


No, i mean in episode two. It seems that the pieces of graphics puzzle are coming together And that's not good for Nick Fury and humanity.


No, especially the super scrolls. Can we talk about that for a second? So I shocker again. Huge fan of the Fantastic Four, the super scroll clerk. Clerk has all the powers of the Fantastic Four in one scroll. Trying, not great. Somebody should not have all that power. Since the Fantastic Four do not exist yet or aren't introduced, they can't simply get the powers of invisible woman or read Richards or whatever. So what the MCU is doing is substituting those for things that have happened or appeared in the past. We got a group And we're all group. We saw all this on a computer screen as Guy was doing her digging.


Yeah, like an MS DOS computer screen.


Why did they do that? Sorry to segue, Not really. Why do they do that in sci-fi stuff Like even today?


I get it in Alien during the 80s, it should look like that.


But even now during sci-fi stuff they still have it.


The only thing I can think of is like oh, because they're, It's simple. Well, it's like they don't really have the meat. They're in like a shell of a radioactive plant, so maybe they can't get the highest tech.


They couldn't get the Fios guy to come out.


Yeah, they can't get like MacBooks or anything like that. They're not going to Best Buy or whatever Rush's Best Buy is, so they just can kind of take what they can get. Okay, fair, fair, point I know, but it's still like I don't know. I wouldn't question it if they had a nicer monitor.


Right Now I'm questioning it because they didn't Right right Agreed. But so we saw a group and these are all people that apparently they have some type of sample with and they're experimenting with this machine that's giving people ability or scrolls abilities. How rude. Frost Beast, which has not appeared since Thor the Dark World. So this is way back. Everyone's favorite, everybody's favorite. Colopsidion, member of Thanos' Black Order in Avengers, infinity War. His arm got cut off in Central Park, i believe by Wong, when Doctor Strange, spider-man and everything were fighting him. So that's probably how they got that sample. And then Extremus from Iron Man 3, guy Pierce. I don't like to talk about that movie. It is what it is.


Believe it where it is, in the past.


But how, like they had to include it somewhere. They're like Iron Man 3 existed, we have to include it in something else, don't forget. But so they essentially got Groot Stretchy Powers, frost Beast, which I guess is Sue, i don't know how, colopsidion, which is big and strong and rocky the thing, and then Extremus, which is Johnny Storm, because it's Fire Breath.


Yeah, So it's going to be. They put it together. I mean, and we do see in the trailer, right, we saw in the trailer that we saw him stretching in some capacity with vines, as you put it. So that's our Groot.


I think in our Before You Watch episode I literally said that looks like Groot's powers. And I'm kind of annoyed that they showed it, because now, like seeing Groot on the screen, i was like, yeah, okay, we also saw Colopsidion's name on a thing.


I'm like you guys gave away a little too much in the trailer Yeah, so maybe the question now is how many of them are going to get this Quartet of Power.


Well, that's, that's the thing, right. Are they going to get all of them One of them?


Are they going to test it? I don't understand how Nick Fury is supposed to defeat these.


This is super scroll. This is my thing, so you know I will talk about more of like. We have like one major thing obviously to talk about the wife in the room You have to talk about the wedding ring on the table. But then we'll talk about kind of like where this series is possibly going, especially with the things we learned from this one. But like Nick Fury, I don't think could stand up to a super scroll, So somebody is going to have to come in. I don't know who that is. If it's a war machine, OK.


I guess. I guess he could fly above them and shoot.


Well, he could stand up to them, right. But it's kind of like, oh, i want somebody else, maybe Monica Rambeau. She's somewhere like.


That'd be baller, i mean freaking. Captain Marvel can come right. He mentioned Carol in the 97 flashback. Wherever she is, you know, she's always flying somewhere. She probably gave him a new pager at some point, apparently not finding them a home.


That's what she's doing. Yeah, get one job. She went away, came back and had a haircut and still didn't find them.


Typical Carol, not. But listen, not to go back to the beginning, but to find an entire new home world in two years. they gave up. Well, not going to be that easy, everyone.


I don't think they gave up. They were like that's when they like too hard, That's when they actually problem.


Like okay, what do you mean? All right, he didn't put a timeline on that.


You would think, though, from 20 years of that, from 1995 to when 2025,. I guess this is when it's taking place. They'd find something like I believe nowhere where the Guardians of the Galaxy have been is kind of a safe haven, so try that 20 years later no good, All right. So the scroll in the room, who is also Priscilla Fury, who is also his wife. I you know, we knew he had a wife, or a lot of people might have forgotten he had a wife. He told Steve that he had a wife and he's like I don't know yet a wife, And he's like I don't tell people. That was the only thing we got ever, and now we finally see who his wife is And it turns out she's a scroll. The way they shot this scene it makes you think that he doesn't know that she's a scroll, but I don't believe that for a second.


I think he knows she's a scroll. I think that they fell in love. I okay. So so this man loses all of his allies and then finally decides to go home, wherever this is, and he's like just making dinner and she's like welcome back, put your ring on. Yeah, they must have communicated from the ship. I don't understand this relationship at all.


Well, so, what I think had happened right is this scroll looks very much like Vera from the beginning, and I believe it's the same person. The thing that makes it confusing and I feel like the creators of the show are messing with us is they purposely omitted who plays Vera out? Right, so in case, because since she plays both of them, if people found out they'd be like, oh, his wife is a scroll. It would have gotten out before this. So I feel like that is his wife in the beginning, so we can clearly see when they met. The weird thing though and I don't know if you caught this In her hand it looks like there's some type of ring back in 1997. So either he very quickly wooed her or she was already with somebody and he wooed her after that, but I'm assuming that's when they met, is when they were working together then.


Maybe they met in 95. Right At a two year romance And gave her a ring And got married. And the fact that she talks to him in the 97 scene there is familiarity there, There's trust there. She's coming to him saying this is young boy here, So there's something between them. It's not just this random scroll that's there.


They obviously have a working relationship.


They obviously have a working relationship And maybe there's something to be said of because she's with Nick Fury. she had to create a new identity, and that new identity was Priscilla.


That would make sense, right, and that's probably why he doesn't wear a ring when he's out, because, heaven forbid, any of his enemies, hydra or whatever, found out that he was married. They go directly after her.


And is there anything to say that scrolls don't have to look exactly like one specific person? No, they can change, right And but my question, my thing is, is she could possibly have just made a new identity and taken what this person's eyes look like and what this person's hair?


looks like. Oh, I see what you're saying. Do they have to be a?


whole person, or can they pick and choose what their features look like?


I don't know. I don't in the comics. I don't think that's ever happened. I obviously could be wrong because comics are infinite at this point, But I believe they copy a whole person. So but I don't know how it works. I mean, I'm assuming in the MCU, because of what we've seen like they would use that trick already. You know what I mean.


So I'm assuming that we have to believe that they take an entire identity, right, right.


That's what I would assume, but that's like a point, like a patchwork person.


Right. I mean, if they can shape shift, why can't they just make a new person?


Yeah, I don't know, hello, but.


I mean regardless of the theories of you know, the science of shape shifting. He has a wife that we never knew about and they have a beautiful home together and she's just patiently been waiting for him.




I would. Is it a safe house Because?


he's still in.


Russia Right? No, he went to London to meet Rody Right, and then he left Drove somewhere. So we don't know.


I don't think we know at this point.




So it's somewhere maybe in Europe London, london, right outside of London But I mean, hey, that's cool that he's married and I love that for him and it's a scroll of all things, and he did tell Talos that he's seen better looking scrolls and apparently he married one. I don't understand their relationship.


I need a flashback episode. You want how they met? Yeah.


I feel like, since they're introducing his wife now, i don't think that that's good. She's going to die, i Rip. I mean I could be wrong and I hope I'm wrong, but typically in these types of situations and usually you know, like the James Bond types and the spies, the Ethan's Mission Impossible, you know they don't typically their partner doesn't make it.


Yeah, unless she's already a super scroll and she is the secret weapon.


Oh sorry, nick Fury.


You know, I mean he needs help, He needs some help.


He has Priscilla, that's it. So how this show? I think it's set up quite a bit but still it has so much more to go. I am curious to see what the end goal of this is. Obviously it's to stop the invasion, stop graphic. Who is going to help Fury in that? I'm not too sure. I know Talos. everybody knows Talos is going to help him. We've seen scenes of that happening. But is Fallsworth going to join his ranks? Is Rody going to join his ranks?


I feel like Gaia is going to come around at some point And that's the curious thing.


That's the thing I'm curious about. So if he does get powers, which we know he does, who's going to fight him? And I hope it's not Gaia. She's going to die, yeah, you know, she's going to die. But then you could probably guess that maybe two Skrulls are going to fight each other that have some type of power or something. I don't know. But I just hope it doesn't turn into another CGI fight at the end with like Groot vines everywhere. Right, it would be better if they brought Monica in and had her, because then it would tie directly into the marvels with her working with Fury. Right, you know, that's kind of where I'm hoping it goes.


Yeah, i'm almost wondering if this, you know, these six episodes are just an introduction to the secret invasion. Is it possible that they're not actually going to stop it by the end of this series? I think it's 100% possible.


But then we also have to think of, like what's coming out that they've announced, like what could tie into it? You know, So, like I mean, i know we have secret wars which they could 100% change. what that's about? Secret?


invasion, secret war, there you go. Secret victory, secret deceit, what is?


this. I'm curious, like just two episodes in, what does this series have to do for you Like going forward or like something that you want to like make it? Oh, okay, That was a good series. like a stamp of approval from Derek.


From Derek Oh gosh Yeah, i think it needs a little. So this episode was a lot of exposition, like we were saying, i get lost in exposition, so for me, i need more concrete. I need more Pieces moving in a certain direction.


Pieces moving in a certain direction.


And, granted, we are only two episodes in. This is only a third of the series, but now we only have two thirds left to make something actually happen.


Yeah and that's a one, and done too So like this is the series Yeah Right.


So I think I need some more concrete things to happen. I need one or two of these veils lifted and really to see some movement to what our final chapter here is going to be. Mm-hmm, how about you?


Yeah, i mean kind of the same right. It's like I see maybe where they're going. This was an improvement from the first one and I liked the first one. So if the third one is an improvement from these two, it's kind of like a home run or like a home stretch from here. I hope that they give Nick Fury and Samuel L Jackson a good story in the end, like right now. I'm kind of like it's fine. I feel like the acting is a little wobbly. There's some fantastic scenes and fantastic performances. I want a little more of that. I want to know more about Fury and what's really driving him to do a lot of this stuff and to go against, you know, doing what he's supposed to be doing.


I agree with that. I think Fury, as our main character, hasn't been leading the action a lot. In fact, he's kind of just been getting thrown into vans and thrown into rooms and being talked at by people, yeah. So I need him to pick up the mantle of this series.


I feel like, you know, some of that might have been intentional, which we won't know until. Like a Christopher Nolan-esque thing of like this whole time he's been like gaming to get to this thing or whatever. Yeah, I agree, It's kind of like the things are happening around him and he's more reacting to them, which isn't terrible. But I want just a little tiny bit more of Nick smoothing those pieces And I think it what.




Fury Yeah, no, but also yes because I think even in the trailer it had the title cards of like know whatever, only Fury. And it's like give me the Fury, where's the burn?


Where's the fire? Where's the Fury? Where's the Fury We're?


waiting, not until the Super Skrull comes with extremist powers.


Maybe he gets thrown into the machine and then also gets. Super Skrull powers.




Super Fury powers. That's fine, i'm down with that. De-ages him. Yes, his eye heals. It's like American Horror Story, coven, when she was blind, and then the last episode, she was fine by the end.


That was the one thing and the whole thing I did not like in that. So I was like, really Like, why make her blind in the first place?


And now she's like I'm fine again. Yeah, all right. Blenciaga Nick Fury has to have his Balenciaga moment At the stake. At the stake, yes.


Oh my God, all right, so excited for three. We're halfway through I. This is, like so far, like a B minus for me. I want it to be a little more. I want that spy espionage like hardcore stuff.


Yeah, i think. Unfortunately for my grade of it, these types of shows aren't my favorite types, so I'm giving it like a C plus. That's fine, it's still passing. Yeah, it's like a 75. 78.


I think you only need like a 65 to pass.


Depends. Depends on the school. Depends on the school.


The pass or fail class here, prf man. All right, so until next week.


Secrets, secrets, secrets. Thanks for listening to a bite of artwork and editing by our own Noah. Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter at a bite of pod and on Facebook at a bite of. If you have any questions, recommendations or just want to say hi, you can contact us on a bite of podcom. Please be sure to subscribe, rate and review to spread the word. See you next time. On a bite of Bye.

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